Japan Virtual Trip

Virtual trips are becoming a valued part of our week at the moment – today was Japan, which has been an area of interest for a while. Here’s what we got up to…

Virtual cherry blossom festivalCherry blossom video from Japan Forward (we skipped through this a bit to look at the images), plus live feed – which prompted an exploration of differing time zones, and a re-visit of the live cam just before bedtime.

Japanese house tour and ‘Visit the House’ video from Boston Childrens Museum

Japanese language games from Digital Dialects – we had fun with the fruit and colours games.

Snack time – Japanese rice crackers! (apparently a themed snack is a most important element of these virtual days out)

Mount Fuji – fun facts from Easy Science For Kids, plus pics from a live feed

Tokyo National Museum virtual tour

Colouring station – Hokusai colouring sheets from Supercolouring.com (I laid it out like a colouring station in a museum, in a separate room with coloured pencils), plus a short animated video about the artist Hokusai from Eamon Stewart. We did the Wave, Kingfisher, Carp and Dragon, and then we looked up the Hokusai originals to see how close we were to the actual colour schemes.

If you’d like more ideas for virtual trips online, scroll back through this site to see other ones we’ve done.